Microscope Sales
The Microscope Company supply a wide range of microscopes from Olympus, Leica, Microtec and Meiji
The Microscope Company supply a wide range of microscopes from Olympus, Leica, Microtec and Meiji
The Microscope Company provides a range of servicing options from one off site visits to annual or six monthly contracts.
The Microscope Company supply a wide range of microscope parts and accessories including cameras, stages and bulbs.
THE MICROSCOPE CO. is based in Central Scotland. We supply a comprehensive range of microscopes, cameras and accessories throughout the UK, from all the major manufacturers including Olympus, Nikon, Meiji, Microtec, Motic and Leica amongst others.
In addition to the supply of new systems, we also offer a microscope repair and service facility covering Scotland, Newcastle & Cumbria. This is carried out by our highly trained engineer who has over 30 years experience in the repair and service of microscope systems ranging from basic student models to highly sophisticated research grade systems.